Terk.nl somehow managed to slip under my radar for a while, which is wild given how much traffic they get. You’d think if four million perverts per month are stopping by the party, your old pal ThePornDude would be among them with his dick out, especially if the party’s full of naked, beautiful, horny women. I don’t have an excuse for why I missed it until now, but I’m about to rectify the issue. That means testing the quality of the erections the library gets out of me, so it’s a good thing I just re-upped my lube supply.
Perhaps I’ve overlooked Terk.nl, and maybe you have, too, simply because it doesn’t look like other sites in the same category. They’re a free amateur porn video site, which brings to mind all the different tube sites across the internet—you know, Pornhub and a million other imitators with the same layout. People often prefer to stick to what they’re already familiar and comfortable with, and well, Terk just doesn’t look quite like those other sites. So let’s see what really separates them from all the other DIY porn tubes on the internet, shall we?
Who’s Up for Some Amateur Chicks?
As a professional masturbator and longtime porn reviewer, I can usually tell what kind of adult site I’m looking at when I pull up their front page. But Terk.nl threw me a little bit with their atypical formatting. It’s a thumbnail-based presentation like you’d find on a typical tube, but the thumbs are clean squares instead of the screen-shaped rectangles you usually see. They’re arranged into just three neat columns sitting beneath a header that only takes up a third of the screen on the desktop. I thought it might be a DIY porn blog or maybe a smut aggregator full of outgoing links.It’s a tube, though. All those front-page images lead to videos of girls next door masturbating, sucking cock, and getting banged up the pooper. The presentation is just a little old-timey, like something that might have hit the web in the early aughts. Incidentally, the Terk.nl domain was registered way back in 2006. Coincidence or just a long-lived website?
Fortunately, the porno itself isn’t the Tetris-quality bullshit you might expect from something made in 2006. The thumbnails might not be the crisp 4K ultra-HD stuff you find on the premium sites, but we are talking modern video resolutions here. We’re also talking modern sluts, the kind who are down for some freaky sex while the camera is rolling. Your grandma didn’t get down like this back in her day, you dirty whippersnappers.
These amateur chicks are having all kinds of naughty adventures.Some of today’s uploads include a horny (18+)girl smoking pole, a babe getting butt-fucked at the park, a threesome on the beach, and a (18+)girl sucking off her friends at karaoke. There’s also (18+)teen masturbation, an oral creampie, and a couple of hot interracial scenes of white (18+)girls interacting with BBC. Yes, those were all added today
WTF Is In the WTF Section?
Terk.nl doesn’t have an extensive tagging system like most free tubes, which I suspect is related to their vintage design. Instead, they group their movies into a handful of broad categories, each represented by an icon at the top of the page. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory subgenres of smut, too: Slutty, Anal, Public, Tits, BWC/BBC, Cum, WTF, and Misc.Two of these things are not like the others. So let’s take a closer look at WTF and Misc since it’s not readily apparent from the label what you’re going to find in these aisles. Spoiler alert: in addition to the usual homemade porno, Terk also has some weird-ass adult content that you’re not going to find on your typical free tube.
I clicked on the WTF icon, followed by the first thumbnail and then the Play button. A dude sitting in the backseat of a car wearing nothing but a T-shirt puts his legs back behind his head and starts playing with his dick. The window is wide open, and women keep walking by, some of them looking in at the deviant contortionist.
The next WTF video was a lady with an enormous, alien-dick-looking clitoris getting fucked, followed by what looked like an amateur cuck scene. A pretty girl sucked a dick while another dude hovered his head near hers, occasionally kissing her mouth. This section feels a bit like eFukt because while you may be able to whack off to some of these, some will make you feel weird or disgusted. How do you feel about women fucking stool legs, ER footage of stuck dildos removed from buttholes, amputee sex, or homeless orgies in front of the local Stop-n-Rob?
I expected more weird stuff in the Terk.nl Misc area, but much of it is just amateur content that doesn’t fit cleanly into the other categories. For example, that karaoke blowjob I mentioned is filed away here, as are some threesomes, rough blowjobs, and girlfriend-sharing videos. However, some of them are a bit kinkier than your average iPhone hookup video. For example, there’s one with a girl in the bathtub watching her mom suck dick and another of a father and son sharing a hooker. If you like rough sex, spycam voyeurism, or fucked-up setups, I’d recommend peeping around in this part of the site.
Getting Plastered for Wednesday
I’ve hinted at this already, but Terk gets a nice, fresh crop of new videos every day. I’m writing this up around lunchtime, and they’ve already added eleven new videos today. Flipping through pages of recent content, I can see the big batch uploads aren’t an anomaly. It’s just business as usual for a nice, active amateur tube.One thing I really like that I don’t see on other tubes is Terk’s set of Amateur Porn Themes. There’s a different theme for every day of the week, and they do their best to post material that fits. You’re going to find some overlap, of course, simply due to the nature of pornography, but it’s a great little feature. If you’ve got a particular interest in any of Terk’s themes, it’s like you get an extra little birthday present every week.
I’m reviewing the site on the third day of the week, which they like to refer to as Wednesday, which comes after Slutty Monday and Cum Tuesday. That explains the glassy-eyed girl with the stringers dangling between her mouth and the boner in front of her. Tomorrow is Anal Thursday. Even though I’m planning on finishing this review in a few minutes, I’m also planning on tuning in for Public Friday because I love that risky sex.
Weekends are wild at Terk.nl, starting with Crazy Saturday, featuring “The craziest sex videos that you can imagine, crazy porn you didn’t realize was possible.” Last Saturday, they posted a vintage amateur anal scene, shot on VHS. It seemed pretty normal until the butthole creampie, which would have been expected if her prolapsed asshole didn’t bloom like a flower and squirt cum in her face. On WTF Sunday, they post more of that weird shit from the WTF section, like a guy humping his girlfriend with a seriously deformed erection. I have to wonder if that’s genetic or the result of an injury, but respect to the dude for making it work, anyway.
My biggest complaint about Terk is how they structure their search results. I discovered this when I was trying to figure out exactly how big the entire collection is. No matter what you do or what you search for, the results seem to max out at 50 pages. The site has thousands and thousands of free amateur porno movies, but you can only pull up 1500 of them with any search. I suspect this makes some of their older content difficult or impossible to find.
It’s a small complaint, though, because there’s still a lot of homebrew porn here to shake your dick at in the end. Terk.nl is a free tube with an unusual look compared to the rest, but it’s their content that differentiates them from the other guys. They’ve got a raw, sleazy vibe that reminds me of outfits like Motherless, plus some of the weirdness of joints like eFukt wrapped up in a style that’s unique to the Terk brand. This isn’t another generic amateur tube, that’s for sure.
- Lots of daily updates
- Thousands of videos
- Free amateur porn videos
- Good variety of homebrew smut
- Some really weird porn, too
- Different themes every day of the week
- Minimal tagging
- Search results max out at 50 pages