Joss Maza! It is not very often that you come across a website dedicated to uploading porn originating from India. There are only a couple of websites like that serve users with the best pornographic content from India. All the contents on the website are of Indian sluts fingering themselves or getting fucked hard. Although they are mostly amateur videos, I am sure you will still get a hard-on free seeing random pretty Indian chicks riding cocks.
Now that I think of it I perform not know any porn studios from India. In America and other countries around the globe, there are a shit-ton of porn production companies and even individuals entering the porn industry daily. Can't blame anyone, a lot of you losers would pay a fortune to chicks just so see her flash her titties. Yeah, porn is lucrative thanks to a lot of you suckers.
In India, the porn industry is nowhere as developed as its western counterparts. That is a nice way to put it. The porn industry in India is non-existent except when you consider Indian web series. Which in my opinion can't really be considered actual porn. Some movies made in the west have more graphic Scenes than Indian Uncensored web series.
Lots of Amateur Videos of Indian Sluts on JossMaza
India is a conservative country. The moral standard people are held to in India is high, especially when compared to western countries such as America. That's why websites like Joss Maza are a goldmine.Unlike most Indian porn websites that upload mostly flicks of chicks showing off their bodies or masturbating. Forward Joss maza there are tons of videos of Indian sluts getting fucked hard and sucking dick.
I am not really a fan of the Indian Uncensored web series. They are vanilla when placed in comparison to regular porn shot in the US or other parts of the world. The " uncensored"videos don't show any penetration and hardly focus on the nude chicks.
I am just going to be sticking to the amateur content on the website. There was this video of a pretty indian slut getting fucked hard by a hunk. Hearing her scream in pleasure made my cock as stiff as a rock.
About Jossman Web design
The web design Is simplistic which makes it easy to navigate the website. However, the website's simplistic design is also it's major flaw.Apart from a search option at the top of the website there are no other features that make finding specific videos easy. The website has no categories and the videos have no tags.
It is like an idiot made the website because how the hell does a porn website not have categories or tags.
There is a menu bar at the far right of the webpage. The menu gives users the options of home, disclaimer, privacy policy, video source and the Porn Dude ( at least these motherfuckers got something right). I don't know why a category page is not in the menu bar.
The thumbnails are thankfully clear and contain information such as how many views a video has and how long ago it was uploaded.
The video thumbnails are not aminated, so there is no preview to watch before clicking on a clip.
Although on the website's video player there are snapshots from the clip.
Even these aren't clear and do not in any watch match the level of preview you get from animated thumbnails.
Animated thumbnails lets one know if a video is worth clicking. Making it easier to find the right video to jack off to.
The media player is modern and should have been easy to use but for the ads. I couldn't press, play or fast forward a clip without having an add pop-up. Free porn websites have to realize that no one likes ads especially when it keeps on popping up every time. I don't want to be in the middle of stroking my cock watching a hoe ride a dick skillfully. Then I am being redirected to a shady betting site sign up page. That just ruins everything.
Interrupting a fappers mastubstorty section with relentless ads would only push users to look for better options. There are lots of free websites with minimal ads.
There is no option to toggle the quality of the video on the media player. I guess that is not necessary though as most of the videos on the website are amateur. You can opt to watch the video in full screen mode. Good luck trying without seeing an ad pop up on your screen.
Mobile Experience
The mobile version of the website is simple and just like easy to navigate.However, the ads seem to be even worse on the mobile site. I couldn't click on a link without having a pop-up ad opening a new tab on my mobile phone browser.
What I like about Joss Maza
Joss Maza is a decent porn website with a few features that modern porn sites have.There are loads of amateur content on the website so you would find lots of videos of random hoes dancing naked or getting railed hard in a dimly lit bedroom.
Hell! you could even come across a video of the petty chick in your area you have been eyeing for a while getting fucked by her asshole boyfriend.
What I hate about Joss maza
While I do think that Jozzmaza is doing a great job of providing visitors with top notch amateur indian porn. The ads on the website cast a dam on all the great content of the website. It was annoying to the extent you can't click the webpage without getting a pop-up advert.The fact that there are no categories on the website is a bumper. I don't get how a porn website doesn't have categories or tags which would help find specific content.
The downloading videos was a frustrating process. When I clicked on the download click I was redirected to a website hosting the video.
It was very frustrating downloading the video from the website. The ads on the file hosting were crazier than that on Joss Maza. I didn't bother downloading the video anymore after I got frustrated trying to.
The website lacks any form of functionalities/ filters that will make it easy for users to find the content they are looking for.
The only way to find specific content is to use the search option. which will only bring out videos in the search result that have the tag or specific words you imputed in their title.
First of all tone it down a bit on the ads. The ads were one of the most invasive ads I have come across yet. It ruined the experience for me. The only thing I want when on a porn site is my dick, lube and porn. Ads are to generate revenue but they should be as minimal as possible.Add some categories and tags to your fucking website. No one wants to have to scroll through different Even of most of the videos on the website are amateur they still would not contain the same type of sexual content. The categories and tags would help users select with ease, what they want.
- Loads of amateur porn for free
- Lots of free Uncensored Indian web series
- Most of the videos are short
- Lots of invasive ads
- No porn categories
- The videos are not tagged