HD Pornstarz? Am I going to see pornstars fuck in HD quality? Well, porn tube sites are great and all, but we all know that they offer porn that’s of lesser quality than all the bigshot premium porn sites out there. I mean, there’s a lot that porn tube sites can do better when it comes to offering porn. Just showing us a bit more HD content is good for a start. Well, there’s a site that does exactly that and it’s called HDPornstarz.com. I mean the name says it all really. It’s about HD content with some of the sexiest pornstars (with a “z”) that you could possibly imagine.
Our wishes have come true with free HD porn
And the best part about it? HDPornstarz.com is absolutely free. You won’t have to pay a single cent and you’ll be able to enjoy as much HD porn content as your heart desires. All you have to do is choose the video that you want to watch and you’re on your way to a land of absolute and utter bliss. Get ready for some of the most gorgeous pornstars in their best performances as you watch videos after videos of amazing HD porn that you could otherwise only get on premium porn sites by paying.The days of low-quality porn tube sites is over, and now you’ve got a site such as HD Pornstarz which offers pretty much identical content in terms of quality as the premium porn sites for an infinitely lower price. I mean sure it’s finite in the sense of the word that you’ll be saving about thirty bucks a month from premium porn sites, but percentually speaking you’ll be saving an infinitely bigger amount of money by switching over to HDPornstarz.com. And why the hell wouldn’t you switch to an amazing site such as this one.
Maybe they should pay for an actual logo for this site
The only reason that I could think of is that the logo doesn’t look too good. I admit it, the logo is kinda shit. What does a woman dancing with those silly strings have to do with HD porn? I have no idea, but I know one thing for sure, and that’s the fact that HDPornstarz.com needs to up their logo game and they need to do it fast. Your logo is the face of your website, that’s why you need to make sure that your logo is appropriate for the thing that you’re doing, which is HD porn in this example. You gotta make that obvious just by looking at the logo of the site.Familiar design though it’s a bit ordinary and uninspiring
Anyway, as far as the rest of HDPornstarz.com goes, the design is pretty good. It’s pretty modern and it looks nice to the eyes. It’s dark so you can use it at night too without feeling like a blind bat in the scorching summer sunlight. I mean, they really did a nice job with the design when we don’t take into account the horrible logo. It’s still not one of the most amazing designs that I’ve seen. It’s fairly simple when you look at it and there’s nothing really that defines it. It’s just a regular design with nothing special about it at all.The only kind of interesting feature is the fact that you can see the likes percentage under the video when you’re browsing through the contents on HDPornstarz.com. And when you hover over the thumbnail, the percentage number turns into a bar that fills with blue depending on how liked the videos are. This is a neat little trick if you come across a shitty video that you just didn’t pay attention to in terms of the like-dislike ration. Everyone has that one situation in which they’ve thought that they found the perfect porn video to watch only to find out that it’s completely fake when you click on the thumbnail.
You’ll get used to this website the moment you start using it
HDPornstarz.com also has a pretty standard layout for a porn tube site. I mean you’ve got all the regular sections that you would find on all other porn tube sites, including the Pornstars, the Tags, the Categories and so on. You can check through all of these to find something that fits you perfectly. And with so many videos to check out, there’s definitely something out there that’s going to tick all of your checkboxes when it comes to the perfect porn video. You won’t even have to look through too much shitty content since all of the videos on HDPornstarz.com are in HD.The ads are annoying, sure, but they’re a necessary evil
I mean the only real problem that I have with the website are the popup ads that will definitely make you lose momentum as you’re going through all of the amazing porn that you’ve loaded up. You’re sitting there ready to jack off like you’ve ever done before, and just as you go to click on the video a pop-up ad stops you dead in your tracks and you have to deal with it before you can continue. What a bummer, what a combo breaker, momentum stopped, inertia killed and so on.Anyway once you deal with the popup ad you’ll still need to deal with the ad that plays before the video starts. And whereas on other sites you’ll find that you can skip the ad in about 5 or so seconds, you’ll need to wait for more than 10 on HDPornstarz.com. That’s definitely a boner killed, but I guess that you have to take that into account when you’re considering checking out this website. I mean HDPornstarz.com is free and they need to make the money somehow, right?
And besides, you can’t really talk shit about anything on this site when there are well over 3700 videos on here. And yeah, that’s three thousand and seven hundred HD porn videos. Porn videos that you only thought were available on those expensive premium sites that you wanted as a kid but now realize how stupid of an investment it is. You’ll definitely need to think twice about everything that’s offered on here before you start talking shit about something as trivial as a popup ad. I can do that since I have plenty of green in my pockets, so I can say whatever I want.
All of the best exclusive porn videos gathered in one place for free
Either way, I don’t really want to say many negative things about HDPornstarz.com, because I simply can’t. It’s still an amazing site that provides you with so much amazing HD porn content that you don’t have to pay for that they’re really doing God’s work over here. I mean imagine if you had to pay for all of these amazing porn videos, what would you do then? And besides, this place has collected all of the most popular premium videos from different sites to one site. That means that you’d have to get more than just one subscription to try out all of these videos since they’re scattered all over other premium sites.One thing’s for certain, and that’s that you’ll definitely have a good time if you visit HDPornstarz.com. There are so many HD videos that you can check out on this amazing website that you’re instantly going to get hooked on it. I mean who wouldn’t, seeing as how all of the content on here is free and you don’t even have to make an account in order to watch it all. Go ahead and check out HDPornstarz.com and all of the amazing pornstars that star in some of the best HD videos out there. You won’t believe your luck when you start finding your favorite pornos on here and downloading them to your porn stash.
- Thousands of amazing HD videos from various premium sites
- All of the content on here is 100% free
- A familiar layout that’s easy and intuitive to use
- Ads can get on your nerves every now and again
- The logo needs to be revamped completely
- Site graphics look kind of ordinary and uninspiring